
This is kind of a followup to the Feb. 2006 thread about messages  
being discarded (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2006- 

Where do I check ARCHIVE_HTML_SANITIZER as per the previous post?  Is  
that a runtime environment variable?

I am using mailman2.1.7, although I have a qmail+vpopmail setup so  
there are actually multiple installs of mailman running on my system  
for various domains.

 From 2.1.5--2.1.7, I've had problems with lists that would appear to  
work and then suddenly start discarding messages.  From the process  
number in logs/vette and the mod dates in the qfiles/ dir I know they  
are being discarded by the IncomingRunner.  But, no log is made  
except for:

Apr 08 12:47:56 2006 (25550) Message discarded, msgid: <FD599F62- 

Qmail reports the delivery as successful, cron jobs are running, and  
list config is set to hold postings from nonmembers, so this must be  
an error in parsing.  However, it is intermittent and the list(s)  
will sometimes start working again.  I have checked the cron jobs,  
python and mailmanctl process status, etc.  Other lists are not  
necessarily affected at the same times, but most of my lists are  
sometimes affected.  bin/check_db listname does not find any errors.

Thanks for any help.

Jesse Sanford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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