>In this gents case I KNOW of SIX, repeat SIX e-mails accounts he uses.  Do I 
>know the very FIRST letter of the account he uses for his subscription??  No.  
>So I have to go thru entire ALPHABET  [page per letter at a time] to find it 
>instead of just being able to scroll down a 60 member page.

Instead of looking up subscribers by address, use their names. And instead of 
the Mailman interface, use your mail client (I use Eudora, which has a VERY 
fast and
flexible search engine):

All subscriptions to my lists (40 of them) go through a very simple web 
that requires a name and an address. (My moderators have access to this page, 
so that
they can moderate and subscribe/unsubscribe without being admins - I hesitate 
anyone admin access, but they do need the subscribe/unsubscribe/list_members 

Mailman then sends emails to me with the subscription list, name and address.
Eudora (my mail client) filters those into a separate folder. I can now search 
a person's name in the Eudora mail box and see all his/her subscriptions over 

Mailman also sends unsubscriptions to me, filtered into a separate mailbox. 
messages have only the subscriber address, which is fine by me.

Finally, every month, a cron job sends the contents of all the lists to me. 
contain the person's name and address both and get filtered by Eudora into yet 
mailbox (containing 'current' subscriptions) (Whenever I get a batch of these, 
I purge
last month's batch). 

This setup lets me quickly see what current subscriptions anyone has
without going anywhere near the server's web interface and without knowing the
person's multiple addresses. I just search for the name. 

| Allan Hansen, Ph.D.                                             |
|    P.O. Box 2423, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.                     |
|                                                                 |
| Work:                              Home:                        |
| Phone: +1-714/952-6015             +1-714/875-8870              |
| Fax:   +1-714/952-6746                                          |
| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        [EMAIL PROTECTED]                |
| WWW:   http://www.ugs.com          http://www.rc.org/           |
|                                                                 |
|_Anything is possible with the right tools and right information_|
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