Mark.A.Lombardo wrote:
>The situation is as follows, if I post from my domain name  email accounts,
>it never appears, but if I post from personal account (not related) to the
>site, then it come through fine.

The incoming MTA (exim?) at the host is routing mail differently
depending on whether it originates from your local domain or
externally. In the latter case, mail to a list is properly routed to
Mailman. In the former case it is not. Possibly it is being delivered
to a local mailbox with the name of the list instead.

Check for the presence of a local mailbox in your domain containing the
missing list posts. If there is such, perhaps you can use that as
information in your discussions with the host.

I am assuming you don't have any direct control over mail routing. If
you do, perhaps you made some change that is causing this.

In any case, if the hosting company continues to be unsupportive, it
may be time to consider a new host.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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