On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 19:12 -0500, Brad Knowles wrote:

>       I think we need to gather a lot more information about the likely 
> outcome from this change, and I think the best way to achieve this is 
> through giving admins (either site admins or list admins) the ability 
> to set an option and choose whether or not they want to see what 
> happens.

I agree that we need a lot more data, but I'm not sure making this an
option is the best way to gather that data.  Besides, if we do it that
way, it'll be Mailman 2.3 (or whatever <3.0 wink>) before we make the

I'd like to work up an unofficial diff to Mailman 2.1 for people like
Stephen who are willing to give it a try on a live site.  We just have
to agree as to what that change should be!


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