First, what is MUA? (Sorry, but I'm quite new in using mailing lists.)
Second, the reason I'm bothering you all with this is to avoid sending big
attachments back to the user and save him the trouble of seing mail again,
as you said. But I have no trouble sending him the indication of reposting.

Now, since I'm a newbee, can you please explain this to me in more simpla
This is What I understood:
asumming user is "user1" and list is "123"
To: 123;

I am using Thunderbird (or OE sometimes) as a mail client to post to the

I don't understand this part of your answer:

> instead of posting from
> your MUA which will send the Cc:, post the message directly with
> sendmail or equivalent, sending the envelope to the list only.


On 5/5/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Alan wrote:
> >Ok, that is one option. Now is it possible to control it through some
> >keywords in header of mail.
> >Similar to putting "Approved: <password>" in the first line of post.
> If the user has no dups set in the user's options, you can put a Cc: to
> the user in the email To: the list and then instead of posting from
> your MUA which will send the Cc:, post the message directly with
> sendmail or equivalent, sending the envelope to the list only. I think
> that's the best you can do.
> >> At 9:11 +0200 5/4/06, Alan wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Situation is:
> >>>
> >>> I have a list named "123"
> >>> I have a user "user1" in that list
> >>> I get a mail from user1 and want to forward it to list 123 but would
> >>> like to exclude user1 from the list for that one time
> Are you trying to hide the fact that you reposted the message to the
> list (the user could see it in the archives or a subsequent reply to
> the list if there are archives or replies or some other list member
> may just tell the user, so hiding may not be effective)?
> If you're only trying to save the user the trouble of seeing the
> message again, I think on the other hand, it is a courtesy to the user
> to receive the post which indicates it has been reposted.
> --
> Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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