On 5/9/06, Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> btw: If your are trying to have a mix of http URLs for non-admin GUI
> and and https for admin GUI then you are wasting your time, it is all
> or nothing, one or the other. Same rule applies regarding which host
> is used for a list admin or no-admin web GUI, same one for all.


> If you want https for everything then follow the link from:
> http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=3Dshow&file=3Dfaq04.029.htp
> to:
> http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py?req=3Dshow&file=3Dfaq04.027.htp
> >
> > e.g. site for mail is 'mail.myexample.not'. that's where the MX
> > points for smtp,
> > and that's where webmail will be hosted for user pick-up (or imaps
> > or pop3s).
> > to administer this puppy, we've got 'emailadmin.myexample.not'
> > which has vexim
> > and mailman running on it. but ALL links on the admin pages --
> > including form
> > actions -- hop from 'https://emailadmin.myexample.not' to
> > 'http://mail.myexample.not'.
> > it's maddening!
> >
> If you diligently follow _all_ the instructions in the FAQ entries,
> including the comments regarding virtual hosts, the VIRTUAL_HOSTS
> Python dictionary, restarting mailmanctl and  judicious use of
> fix_url for existing lists you will get a consistent set of
> appropriate URLs produced on the MM web GUI. You also need to read
> the bin/newlist usage to understand the way that you can assign new
> lists to web and email hosts when creating them which again links to
> the understanding and setup of VIRTUAL_HOSTS Python dictionary in
> mm_cfg.py. Also, if you find yourself fooling with the list's
> host_name attribute through the admin GUI "Host name this list
> prefers for email" option then it is probably time to stop and review
> you mm_cfg entries etc.

thanks for the pointers. got lots to chew on, thanks!

will trillich
"Their is five errers in this sentance."
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