On 5/10/06, Michael Best <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using vexim + exim and I'm using
> DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/'
> in my mm_cfg.py and I'm not haivng any problems.

finally got it figured out, thanks to the unrelenting patience of R.B.
-- i had been thinking that DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN was a server-specific
setting, but it's not. it gets copied into the list config, so that if
you change the value later, the list still has its previous value, and
mailman enforces it ruthlessly! caught me off guard, i was expecting
either the apache daemon or the mailman daemon to have the server

i'm feeling much better now. :) probably drove Richard to drink.

will trillich
"Their is five errers in this sentance."
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