Guntupalli Karunakar wrote:

>  We are facing some problems with main html index missing index of
>months - march, april 2006.
>running arch script for a list , generates the main index again
>properly,  but it is lost (march, april ones) after sometime,
>typically after some more new mails are archived.

The main index (TOC) for a list is rebuilt with each post. It seems
that the archives/private/<listname>/pipermail.pck file may be missing
March and April from the archives attribute for some reason. You can
confirm this by doing

 bin/dumpdb archives/private/list1/pipermail.pck

and looking at the archives attribute.

I would guess that there is a permissions problem somewhere that is
causing this. When you run bin/arch (presumably with the --wipe
option) you are running it as a user (root?) which can access
everything so it works, but maybe the 'mailman' group can't access the
2006-March and 2006-April stuff.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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