At 10:53 PM +0930 2006-05-18, PC At Last wrote:

>  Mailman version 2.1.7.cp1
>  Kernel version  2.4.21-40.ELsmp
>  Apache version  1.3.34 (Unix)
>  PERL version         5.8.7
>  PHP version          4.4.1
>  MySQL version        4.0.25-standard
>  cPanel Build         10.8.2-RELEASE 83

        See FAQ 6.11 at 

        In short, you need to work with your cPanel hosting provider and 
use the cPanel public support forums, because there's all sorts of 
changes that they've made to the code base which they have not 
informed us of, and our ability to provide support is very limited.

        We'll try to provide what help we can, but since you're using a 
commercially modified version of Mailman, you really should be 
getting all your support through the organizations that provide that 
commercial product to their customers, or the vendor of the product.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  LOPSA member since December 2005.  See <>.
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