Markus Schanovsky wrote:
>Now my question:
>Who is setting the file-permissions back?

Every time Mailman saves the list, it saves it to a new, temporary
config.pck.<host_name>.<pid> file with permissions 0660. Then it
removes the config.pck.last, renames the config.pck to config.pck.last
and finally renames the temp file to config.pck. Thus, config.pck gets
the 0660 permissions.

>Who shall be the correct owner?

mailman:mailman is correct.

>What can I do?

The problem appears to be that the cgi-bin wrappers either are not
SETGID or are not group owned by mailman. Try running bin/check_perms
or just making sure that all the files in Mailman's cgi-bin directory
are SETGID and group mailman.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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