At 8:59 PM -0400 2006-06-14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>                                                 I also say an SMTPPORT
>  config there, but wasn't sure if these could be overridden by site/list
> files.

        The definition of SMTPPORT and SMTPHOST are for the entire 
server, and cannot be over-ridden on a per-list basis.

>>      You then configure Mailman to deliver all outgoing mail to this
>>  second copy of sendmail.
>  I'm assuming you mean separate files here when you say 'copy'.

        There are separate files, yes.  But since there is 
just one sendmail binary, you end up running two instances of 
sendmail -- one for each different version of the file.

        I used the term "second copy of sendmail", when it might have 
been more accurate to say "second instance of sendmail".  The meaning 
is the same, or at least that was the intent.

>>      The milter technique would be a much more direct method of
>>  control over throttling.
>  OK, I guess I need to sit down and try out these both. I'm going to set up a
>  test box tomorrow, and see how both works. Of course, I can't simulate the
>  load it should generate, but for now, I just want to make sure I can do it,
>  period.

        That's a very good idea.  Make sure you understand how things 
work before you try to use them in earnest.

>>  >>  It's an issue that should be easy enough to fix through modifying
>>  >>  the configuration file.
>  Easy for you to say. I have read the Bat Book 2e scantilly, but you know
>  how it is if you don't need something right away - you usually forget it.

        I was technical reviewer for that book, and I can tell you that 
Bryan Costales and Eric Allman both keep copies on their desks 
because even they can't remember everything.  You shouldn't chastise 
yourself for failing to be able to do what they can't do themselves.

>  The test box will be running 8.13, which is new here, so a few new options.


>>  >  I hope you mean sendmail configuration file!!!
>>      Yes.
>  I sure didn't get much right on the last post, huh?

        Close enough.  ;)

>  Thanks very much. You are much too kind and patient.

        I do my best.  Sometimes I do better than others.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  LOPSA member since December 2005.  See <>.
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