Patrick Bogen wrote:

>On 6/22/06, Ricardo Scachetti Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>     I searched the announcements lists, Mailman site and Google but I
>> couldn't find information about the 2.1.7.cp2 release. Where can I find
>> notes about that release? And what does cp2 stand for?
>.cp2 probably means it's a cPanel version. Which means a lot of us
>will refuse to help. ;) (There's no telling what cPanel has done to
>it.) That said, the upgrade shouldn't be too problematic.

Patrick is correct. Our releases are major.minor.micro (e.g 2.1.7) with
the possible addition of an alpha/beta/release-candidate (e.g 2.1.7a1,
2.1.7b1, 2.1.7rc1). Any '-' or '.' added after the micro version is a
packager's designation and we generally have no specific information
about it.

That said, moving lists from one installation to another is generally
fairly simple. A rough outline is

1) move the lists/listname/config.pck file.
2a) move the archives/private/listname/ directory
2b) move the archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox file
3) run fix_url on the list (bin/withlist -l -r fix_url listname)
4) If desired because of absolute URLs on some archive pages or other
reasons, rebuild archives with bin/arch --wipe listname

If you are going to do step 4), you can skip step 2a)

If as seems likely, .cp2 is a cPanel mailman, this will be complicated
by the fact the cPanel list names are of the form 'list_domain' with
the '_domain' part somewhat hidden. This may require some path name
translation in the above outline. Also, who knows what non-standard
list attributes may have been added in the package which might cause
simply moving the config.pck to fail.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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