William Howe wrote:

>Content Filtering set for:

That would be pass_mime_types?

If so, that is presumably the Hotmail issue. It is an HTML only post
which is held before content filtering, and after approval, content
filtering removes the whole post.

>Might this explain another issue I have where messages are sometimes posted as 
>text attachments with nothing in the body and it does not show up in the 

Do you mean the message is received from the list as an 'empty' message
body with a text/plain attachment and is not in the archives at all or
it is in the archive with a note that an attachment has been scrubbed?

Content filtering may or may not be involved. It the original message
was an HTML only body and a text/plain attachment, the result after
filtering would be as you describe, but I could also create a post
with an empty body and a text/plain attachment.

If the post sent to the list, but there is nothing at all in the
archive, then the issue is something else.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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