Robert Temple wrote:
>I am a small hosting provider, and have been using Mailman for all my
>clients seeking a group email list. Recently, Mailman stopped working for
>all of my clients. My server company is blaming CPanel for not "getting
>along" with Mailman and says there's nothing they can do.

I think there certainly is something they can do. They can follow the
applicable steps (mostly 5 - 8 for lists that 'stop working') at
to try to determine and fix the problem.

>I would be happy to do a manual install myself, but I don't have shell
>access on my shared server.
>So I'm wondering why there isn't a simpler install proceedure for Mailman
>that doesn't require shell access? I've installed other open source programs
>that deal with mail servers with no problem, i.e. Dadamail, WebCalendar,

Currently, even after installation, a Mailman site administrator needs
shell access to the Mailman 'command line' tools to effectively
administer the installation.

Perhaps as the GUI gets extended and it becomes more practical to
administer an installation without shell access, we can consider
trying to do something with the install process. I don't have any real
experience at the 'nuts and bolts' level with non-command line
installations so I don't know how difficult this would be, but I see
several potential issues such as the need to create a 'mailman'
user/group and the need for configuration changes to both the incoming
MTA and the web server to integrate with Mailman, not to mention the
multiple MTAs and web servers that need to be supported.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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