Brian Cohen wrote:

>Ok, cool. Here's the traceback:

This should be the traceback of the original error, but the attempt to
produce it produced the MemoryError exception which produced the
second traceback below. This is why the original traceback is not in
the 'error' log.

>Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/var/lib/mailman/scripts/driver", line 250, in ?
>     run_main()
>   File "/var/lib/mailman/scripts/driver", line 120, in run_main
>     print_traceback(logger)
>   File "/var/lib/mailman/scripts/driver", line 147, in print_traceback
>     traceback.print_exc(file=logfp)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 210, in print_exc
>     print_exception(etype, value, tb, limit, file)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 123, in print_exception
>     print_tb(tb, limit, file)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 68, in print_tb
>     line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 14, in getline
>     lines = getlines(filename)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 40, in getlines
>     return updatecache(filename)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 93, in updatecache
>     lines = fp.readlines()

So what we know is we encounter a MemoryError in trying to print the
original traceback, so my guess is that was probably also due to a

Does the list that fails have a large number of members compared to the
other lists?

MemoryError means the underlying Python interpreter got a denial on an
attempt to allocate more memory (C's malloc() function). Is your web
server enforcing some memory limit on CGI processes?

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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