Idézet (Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):

> Patrick Bogen wrote:
>> On 7/19/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I've tried to put the
>>> "subject: .*\*SPAM\*.*" line into the bounce_matching_headers and it
>>> gave me an
>>> error , i try to translate it to english from hungarian. : "in the bounce
>>> matching headers box you must give a valid filter line, unless it will be
>>> ignored"
>> What version of mailman are you running? 2.1.8 doesn't seem to do any
>> validation on this field- or, at least, that regex is valid in my
>> setup. Perhaps someone else knows more about where this error is
>> coming from?

my mailman v is 2.1.5

> I think Patrick is correct here, but what exactly did you put in
> bounce_matching headers. If it is exactly as above, it should be OK.
> Also, the '.*' is not really necessary at the beginning and end of the
> regexp since the regexp is found anywhere in the header, so you could
> use just
> subject: \*SPAM\*

i tried with it also  on bounce matching header , but i got the same error as

> and it would be the same.
> You may not really want to use bounce_matching_headers since a match
> there will cause the message to be held and you may want to discard
> it. If you want it discarded, you have to use header_filter_rules.

Yes, it'd be better not to discard each spam.

> You may also find it easier to look at a different Spamassassin header
> such as the
> X-Spam-Flag: Yes
> header.

i've looked into the spam mail header, and i see these:
X-SZTE-Spam-Status: YES
X-Spam-Status: YES
X-Spam-Flag: YES

SZTE is my univ mail firewall server and it make this tag on the spams' header
so whit this "new" info, what dou suggest me to do, to filter spam by subject?

thanks you folks!
Tamas Gabor
> See <>. Also see
> <>
> for a bit of general information about header_filter_rules.
> --
> Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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