Greg Sims wrote:

>And the answer is ... The newsletter was held.
>[1] Subject: God's Vineyard -- The Power of His Presence 
>  Size: 6493 bytes 
>  Reason: Post by non-member to a members-only list 
>  Received: Wed Jul 19 04:23:01 2006

The "Approved: pw" header is not working. I don't know why.

To debug further, look at Mailman/Handlers/ in the Mailman
installation.  Immediately following the lines:

from Mailman import mm_cfg
from Mailman import Errors

add the line

from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog

Then about 26 lines further, you will see the following 3 lines:

    missing = []
    passwd = msg.get('approved', msg.get('approve', missing))
    if passwd is missing:

Add two lines so it reads:

    missing = []
    passwd = msg.get('approved', msg.get('approve', missing))
    syslog('error', 'List: %s, Approved pw ->%s<-',
            mlist.real_name, passwd)
    if passwd is missing:

Preserve the indentation exactly

Then do 'bin/mailmanctl restart'. This will put an entry in Mailman's
'error' log for each post that contains "List: listname, Approved pw
->%s<-" (with a time stamp and a pid), where %s is replaced either by
the contents of the Approved: (or Approve:) header or by "[]" if there
is no Approve(d): header.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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