Naj Dehlavi wrote:
>I have found useful HTML code on the Mailman website that sets up a
>subscription webpage - However, I want an unsubscribe button so that list
>members can come to a webpage, type in their email and have it removed
>directly - no questions asked (i.e. no redirection to the mailman admin
>pages, no confirmation emails etc) and I cant seem to be able to do so. 

First you have to ask yourself if you really want to allow anyone to
unsubscribe anyone else without any verification. If this is a
discussion list, this is a really bad idea - e.g., usera doesn't like
a post from userb so usera unsubscribes userb. Even if it is an
announcement list, it may not be a good idea.

If you really want to do it, without any questions/confirmations,
you'll have to either invoke a mailman command line tool like
bin/remove_members from your web page or create your own CGI script.
If you don't have administrative access to your Mailman server, you
can't do it.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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