Peter Horst wrote:
>Solve what? :-)  I appreciate your taking the time to answer, but my 
>question was "what does '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s letters" mean?  What's a 
>"letter"?  I'm saying that fundamentally I don't understand what the 
>part I quoted even means, so I have nothing to Google...

Most of us are not qmail experts or even knowledgeable about qmail at
all. Questions about a specific MTA are more likely to get good
answers if directed to a list or other resource devoted to that MTA.

I know your question comes directly from our installation manual, but
that material may well have been contributed by one person who isn't
here now.

Having read that section, all I can tell you is this has to do with
delivering mail to the site list 'mailman' and it's owner
'mailman-owner' when 'mailman' is also a local user. I think
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' means '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' where '' is your
domain. I haven't a clue about the broader meaning of those lines.

Sorry I can't be more help.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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