Jon Loose wrote:

>Thanks Brad/Mark for comments.  It seems outlook is to blame for the message 
>ids.  Re: Security, I will pass back to the list anything I find that's simple 
>enough for me!  The potential feature set of 2.2 looks good. Any guesstimates 
>on when this will be coming?(!)  Are there plans for 2.2 to be as easy to 
>apply as an upgrade as the 2.1.x releases have been?

Yes. Mailman 2.2 should be as easy to apply as 2.1.x upgrades.

And I know I'll regret saying this, but 2.2 should be released in beta
at least before the end of 2006, but the security changes I mentioned
earlier in this thread won't be in the initial 2.2 release.

>One further issue: Is it possible to discover who has been invited to join a 
>list but has not yet responded to the invitation email?

bin/dumpdb lists/<listname>/pending.pck

and look at entries with a code of 'S'.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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