Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     At 2:06 PM -0500 2006-09-04, Dan 
Phillips wrote:

> Remember, what he's trying to do is to get pipermail NOT to obscure
> the addresses. This is completely unrelated to how the resulting
> files are used or what further processing is done on them.

I understand. The problem is that the standard method of using a 
third-party archive solution should eliminate Pipermail from the 
picture altogether, and instead replace it with the third-party 
alternative. I have never before heard of anyone taking the output 
from Pipermail and then putting that into a third-party archive tool 
-- that would be like taking the output from sendmail and then piping 
that through postfix, and clearly redundant.

I think maybe the OP may want to review the recommended method of 
using an external archiving tool like MHonArc with Mailman, such as 
described in FAQ 4.4.
Brad Knowles,
  Considering I have only switched from majordomo (used since 1997) on several 
lists a week+ ago, I just had not found all of the knobs yet -- nor did I even 
know what knobs I would need to twist yet to provide the archives needed. All 
other things are running great and I'm glad I made the switch finally.
  to did the trick and now have the solution.
  I looked at FAQ 4.4 and the method described there using an external 
archiving tool like MHonArc with Mailman methinks is a monster compared to my 
manner of cron-run scripts that updates my custom archives every 15 minutes to 
display the added messages. My need for a "fix" was minor IF I had just know 
where to look.
  Next, I'm just looking for a knob to drop the "display" of the archives in 
Mailman's web site and have members continue to use only the one they have been 
used to for several years -- and is not available for email harvesting. I still 
want to keep generating the mylist.txt because my scripts use that monthly 
file. Just don't want it to appear anywhere to the members or one that would 
join to mis-use it for spam lists.
  Would be nicer, it seems if Mailman "X"ed out the email addresses as well 
rather than the present "obscuring". I can imagine it would be little effort 
for spammers to download the Mailman archives and then run a script to return 
the emails from "xyz at" right back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] All the 
info is there gieving a false sense of security. [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems a lot 
safer to me.

  Anyway, truly appreciate the help from you Brad and especially Dan who 
understood my issue.
  I'll spend more time in the looking at more knobs there.

Best regards,
Jack L. Stone
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