At 7:43 AM -0400 2006-09-08, David Ellsworth wrote:

>  Uh, thanks for that Brad, I got it, it's complicated. All I need is a simple
>  way to get a formatted html email with Approved through the system. You're
>  telling me that that isn't going to be the case?

It's not going to be as easy as you had hoped.  At least, not unless 
you can find a way to put the "Approved:" line into the header of the 

The problems lie in the vagaries of how HTML is interpreted by each 
cog in the system, and how unintentional changes at any one point 
could have potentially catastrophic results downstream, at least for 
certain clients.

>                                                    I'm using an applescript
>  with Entourage on OS 10.47 to send the file to mailman. Perhaps another
>  email client that allows me to put the Approved comment in the email file
>  header?

I'm not sure about what capabilities you will find with which 
programs, certainly not from a scripting perspective.  Personally, if 
I need a CLI/scriptable client, I'll go with something like 
/usr/bin/Mail or mutt, both of which are typical Unix text-mode MUAs. 
But then I was using /usr/bin/Mail twenty years ago, and I don't 
think that it's going to be the kind of program you're looking for. 
Neither of these programs do HTML, for one thing.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
     Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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