Jon Forrest wrote:

>To show what I mean, I'll have something like this:
>       smith:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       list1:          smith
>       list2:          smith
>       list3:          smith
>So when smith moves to, I only have to
>change the first line.
>However, I'm deliberately setting up each Mailman list
>to only allow posting from members of the list. This means
>that the technique above won't work because if I put
>the canonical name in as the list member, any mail send
>to the list by [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be rejected.

You have a more serious issue to contend with first and that is that
Mailman does not accept email addresses consisting of only a
local-part ('smith' in your above example).

>However, I'm deliberately setting up each Mailman list
>to only allow posting from members of the list. This means
>that the technique above won't work because if I put
>the canonical name in as the list member, any mail send
>to the list by [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be rejected. Using
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] in all the lists goes against the teachings
>of Sendmail/Postfix, which are righteous. I don't currently
>see any way around this.

Stop thinking in terms of using MTA aliases to manage your list members
and let Mailman do its job.

Smith can subscribe her gmail address to a number of your Mailman lists
and when she moves to yahoo, she can change her address globally on
all your lists to which she is subscribed by visiting her options page
for a single list and changing her address globally.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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