Does anybody have experience transferring the archived messages from an
old majordomo e-list, to a new mailman e-list which replaces it?

Any suggestions on :

Option A. - What I am thinking of trying...
Use the majordomo 'get' command to e-mail all the messages to mailman.
Something like:
1. before adding subscribers to the new mailman e-list,
2. make a temporary e-mail address, which forwards mail to the new
mailman e-list,
3. send a request with that as a 'from:' address, sent to majordomo,
asking it to send messages back, (using the majordomo 'index'
and 'get' commands.)   Thus mailman would receive all the old messages,
as if they were recently sent.
The problem is the subject lines & dates of the messages will not be useful.

Option B - The majordomo archives are just directories full of text files,
so the could be loaded as web pages.  But that does not provide privacy
and other nice features of archives, without some effort.

Option C. - There are old references to 'arch' and 'digest_arch',
 but they say...
>> This is being deprecated since mailman has been shifted over to ...

-- thanks,
Bruce Mackenzie
  please cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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