Nathaniel Nolet wrote:
>it looks like sometimes a subject is too long  
>and gets turned into "(No Subject)", while the real subject becomes  
>the first line of the email.  I'd like to either change this setting  
>or let my end users know how long is too long, but I can't find the  
>max subject length documented anywhere, nor did it jump out at me on  
>the web interface.
>I'm sure it's documented somewhere, but after checking the FAQ, the  
>Wiki, Google and The Fine Manuals I'm stumped.  Could someone point  
>me in the right direction?  Or does Mailman not do this at all and I  
>should look into that user's email client?

There is no setting per se, nor is there any limit on Subject: length
per se. Mailman does manipulate Subject: headers in the process of
adding the subject_prefix if any. This may result in a subject which
is originally a single line being folded into multiple lines in accord
with RFC 2822, but all Subject: headers sent by Mailman should conform
to the RFC.

Look at the raw message as sent by Mailman. If the Subject: header is
not compliant with RFC 2822, then report that here. Otherwise, look at
the user's MUA (email client).

Note that if this only affects one or a few recipients of the message
but not all recipients, it is almost certainly a user's MUA issue.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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