Thanks Mark.  Answers and questions below.

        Mark Sapiro wrote:

        >When I look at the archives, I see repeated posts from Cron 
        ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the following error:
        >    "/bin/sh: mailman: command not found"

        This error is due to improper installation of Mailman's crontab and
has nothing to do with your missing emails.

        RedHat makes a crontab which they intend to be installed as
/etc/cron.d/mailman. Thus, the crontab contains the userid (mailman) under
which to run the command in field 6 and the command in field 7.
        You have installed this as the crontab for the mailman user. User
crontab entries do not have the userid in field 6.

I think I have fixed this error.  I checked and found a mailman cron file in
/var/spool/cron (where user based files are stored).  I deleted this file.
I do have the other cron file /etc/cron.d/mailman.  After deleting the user
entry, the previous error has not reappeared.

        Mark Sapiro wrote:

        Yes, the mail is delivered to Mailman. Its appearance in the archive
proves that. Your problem is why is mail from Mailman not getting out.

        Is OutgoingRunner Running?

I think so.  Output from #ps auxww | egrep 'p[y]thon':
mailman   5600  0.0  0.3 11096 3976 ?        Ss   Oct21   0:00
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s -q start
mailman   5601  0.1  0.8 14692 8584 ?        S    Oct21   2:14
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s
mailman   5602  0.0  0.5 10260 5416 ?        S    Oct21   0:00
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=BounceRunner:0:1 -s
mailman   5603  0.0  0.5 11248 5412 ?        S    Oct21   0:00
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=CommandRunner:0:1 -s
mailman   5604  0.0  0.5 11936 5772 ?        S    Oct21   0:04
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=IncomingRunner:0:1 -s
mailman   5605  0.0  0.5 11208 5440 ?        S    Oct21   0:00
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=NewsRunner:0:1 -s
mailman   5606  0.0  0.5 11096 5660 ?        S    Oct21   0:01
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=OutgoingRunner:0:1 -s
mailman   5607  0.0  0.5 12372 5668 ?        S    Oct21   0:00
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=VirginRunner:0:1 -s
mailman   5608  0.0  0.5 11356 5408 ?        S    Oct21   0:00
/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=RetryRunner:0:1 -s

        Mark Sapiro wrote:

        What's in Mailman's 'smtp' and 'smtp-failure' logs?

        Are there entries in mailman's qfiles/out/, qfiles/retry/ and/or
qfiles/shunt queue directories?

        If there are entries in qfiles/shunt/, what's in Mailman's error

There is not an smtp-failure log.  The smtp and error logs are here:
Oct 22 16:01:44 2006 (5606)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> smtp for 1 recips,
completed in 0.465 seconds
Oct 22 16:01:44 2006 (5606)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> smtp for 1 recips,
completed in 0.374 seconds
Oct 22 16:02:02 2006 (5606)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> smtp for 1 recips,
completed in 0.342 seconds

Oct 21 11:52:13 2006 mailmanctl(6580): PID unreadable in:
Oct 21 11:52:13 2006 mailmanctl(6580): [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
Oct 21 11:52:13 2006 mailmanctl(6580): Is qrunner even running? 

More newbie questions.  Where is ~/qfiles under version 2.1.5?  I have not
been able to find it.  Is this the equivalent:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailman]# pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailman]# ll
total 60
drwxrws---  2 mailman mailman 12288 Oct 22 16:03 archive
drwxrws---  2 mailman mailman  4096 Oct 20 22:53 bounces
drwxrws---  2 mailman mailman  4096 Oct 20 23:14 commands
drwxrws---  2 mail    mailman 20480 Oct 22 16:03 in
drwxrws---  2 mailman mailman  4096 Oct 20 22:53 news
drwxrws---  2 mailman mailman  4096 Oct 22 16:03 out
drwxrws---  2 mailman mailman  4096 Oct 20 22:53 retry
drwxrws---  2 mailman mailman  4096 Oct 20 22:53 shunt
drwxrws---  2 root    mailman  4096 Oct 22 16:01 virgin

All of these directories are empty.

Tony Croes

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