On 10/24/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> >
> >mailman has been restarted many times...and here are the outputs:
> >It seems as some messages go through after few hours. I created test
> >mailing list subscribed users, and 4 hours later subscription emal
> >went through...but here is the errior with the same time stamps.
> >
> >smtp-failure:
> >Oct 24 08:15:37 2006 (18268) delivery to
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] failed with code -1: [Errno 9] Bad file
> >descriptor
> >Oct 24 08:15:37 2006 (18268) Low level smtp error: [Errno 9] Bad file
> >descriptor, msgid:
> Once again - in the same directory as you find the 'smtp-failure' log
> above, there is a log file named 'error'. That is where the debug
> output from Python's smtplib is found. What is in that log?

error: (doesn't have much there)

Oct 23 20:50:42 2006 mailmanctl(13642): The master qrunner lock could
not be acquired because it appears as if another
master qrunner is already running.
I was restarting mailman..

Oct 23 20:50:42 2006 mailmanctl(13642):
Oct 23 20:59:39 2006 (13656) Cannot connect to SMTP server localhost
on port smtp
Oct 24 08:36:36 2006 (18268) Cannot connect to SMTP server localhost
on port smtp
not sure about these 2 other than, my postfix is working since i can
send and receive emails. I assume it had to be somewhat connected with
the timeout in previous error.

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