Bruce E. Breeding wrote:

>I'm implementing an umbrella list over three other lists.
>When I send mail to the umbrella list, three events occur:
>(a)  For each of the three lists, I (as owner) receive a request for approval 
>with the message:  Message has implicit destination

On Privacy options...->Recipient filters for each sub-list, add the
posting address of the umbrella lis to acceptable_aliases or, if you
prefer, set require_explicit_destination to No.

>(b)  Duplicate receiving email addresses (on two or all three of the sublists) 
>are not being eliminated.

That is correct. The members nodups setting only stops sending a list
post to the member if the member is an explicit addressee of the post.
The original idea of nodups was to do more, but it wasn't implemented.

>(c)  I do NOT receive a request for approval from the umbrella list (yes!)
>I would like for the approval to be automatic and I'd like for duplicate email 
>addresses to be eliminated.  I've probably missed the obvious, but I've 
>invested several hours in troubleshooting ...

As indicated, you can do the former, but doing the latter requires code

>What I've done:
>(1)  added the sender's email address to the privacy options / sender filter / 
>non-member (even though the sender is a member and the sender's email moderate 
>check-box is not checked).

Never checked if the sender is a member and not the hold reason. See
comment under (a) above.

>(2)  done (1) above for each sublist and the umbrella list, although in the 
>umbrella list, the sender is not a member.

This for the umbrella list is probably what allows the sender's post to
pass through to the sub-lists.

>(3)  added the <umbrellalistname> as a sender not needing 
>approval as in (1) above, but I didn't think I should have to do this, since 
>it's not the original sender.

Probably correct that you didn't need to do this.

Remark under (a) will fix (a).

(b) is the subject of Feature Request

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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