On 11/10/06 7:26 AM, "Patrick Bogen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/10/06, Gretchen at Ladyweave.com | 269-369-1114
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> A message to one of our lists didn't go through. Does the error message
>> indicate a problem at the server or is it within the program? The list seems
>> to be working fine now. Thanks for any advice you can give.
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Deferred: Connection refused by
>> lists.cmwd-uua.org.
>> Message could not be delivered for 3 hours
>> Message will be deleted from queue
> This was a problem with the MTA (e.g., postfix, sendmail, exim, qmail,
> or something else) at lists.cmwd-uua.org, OR with whichever server was
> trying to talk to it. The latter is probably not the case, but it MAY
> be due to a network disruption if everything checks out on the MTA
> level.
The sending MTA--aside from anything else--has a remarkably short retry
limit.  There are, for example, a bunch of school districts around here to
which they couldn't send mail on weekends as the districts shut their
servers down.  (The districts we send to most often have stopped doing


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