
        I've been happily converting text/aliases based lists to mailman
    (Tru64 Unix v5.1b, Sendmail 8.13.7, Apache Server version:
    Apache/2.0.54, Mailman version: 2.1.9) and everything has been
    working great.  I have ~150 lists with ~16,000 addresses distributed
    among them.  Most of the lists are < 100 with a few > 2000.  I find
    when I add another list things get goofy.  I can get to a list's
    admin page fine but when I click on another link, even a
    documentation or logout link, I get a "web page not found" browser
    message.  At this point I cannot even logout from the admin page. 
    When I remove the additional list operation returns to normal. I've
    checked_perms, restarted apache & mailman, and searched the FAQ all
    with no luck.  I seem to be on the border of some system limit.  I
    also copied the installation to a similar, backup system and got the
    same results.  Any ideas?

    Todd Seeleman

I'm happily running 239 Mailman lists, the largest of which has /5/970 
at the moment on mailman 2.1.9.  //I have previously run mailman lists 
with >200K addresses on them on earlier versions of Mailman.  I've not 
see this issue.  I did have an issue similar to this when my url was not 
being set successfully and all of the links were trying to go to a 
non-existent domain./



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