Brad Knowles writes:

 > >>  One thing that would help is if your ISP was running the latest
 > >>  version of Mailman -- we're now on version 2.1.9.  There have been a

 > At 3:10 PM -0500 11/17/06, Alan McConnell wrote:

 > >    Yes.  My question, addressed to you, or to any Debian
 > >    experts here is:  using the Debian upgrade/update system,
 > >    will the improvements of 2.1.9 by now have propagated to
 > >    the PatriotNet system?  Debian puts a big focus on security.
 > >    But, as I indicated above, it does seem that the system
 > >    is better now.   (However the bottom LH corner of the admin
 > >    screens still say version 2.1.5  !  ? )

That seems likely, as the current stable version of Debian ("sarge")
is distributed with 2.1.5.  However it does have patches in it
according to the Debian revision number (don't ask me what they are,
but you can go to the Debian FTP site, and get the patch file).
Debian practice being what it is, I would guess those are mostly
security related.  I'm sorry I can't tell you what's in "etch" (aka
"testing") and will be forthcoming in a few weeks; I run "sid" on my
personal system.

I can corroborate Brad's statement that Debian's package is not 100%
compatible with the product of an install from Mailman's tarballs and
following the install instructions to the letter, at least for one
recent (late summer 2006) version of the "sarge" distribution.  (Sarge
is running on a system that I only moderate the lists on.)

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