Brad Knowles wrote:
>I took another look at this page, it looks like we should be able to 
>update the links by editing the templates from which the HTML files 
>are built.  I've done that, and I'm in the process of completely 
>re-generating the entire archive for mailman-users going back to the 
>beginning of the list in 1998.  This should do what we need, although 
>it will take a while to complete.

If you haven't started rebuilding the archives yet, I suggest you don't
do it. Not only will it invalidate all the links in the FAQ which can
be changed with some effort, it will also invalidate links in archived

Anyway, I don't think it's necessary to rebuild the old monthly index
pages even if you updated that template.

I think it would suffice to update the archtocnombox.html template
which is used to build the top level page at
<> and which is rebuilt
with every archived message.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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