On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 09:00:49PM -0800, Dragon wrote:
        .  .  .  .  

> >your INBOX.  I see a fair number of complaints on one of the mailing
> >lists I subscribe to that has a lot of gmail users on it about gmail's
> >general disregard for the existence of mailing lists and the whole
> >concept of threading.

        .  .  .  .  .

> This is squarely on gmail. Mailman is blameless on this one.

We must all recall that google's motto is: "Don't be evil"<g>.
So perhaps if others on gmail(which is one of my E-mail addresses)
would go to the Gmail Help Center and post something similar to
what I've posted (see below) it might help.

Best wishes to all,


I would like to have mail that I send to an E-list
(aka list-serve, E-mail list) from my gmail account,
accepted when it is sent back to me; it should appear
in my Inbox.  (I get postings from other list members,
so the list SW is OK).

It must have taken effort for Gmail to send these messages
to /dev/null.  I would like that effort to be undone.

Many thanks in advance,

Alan McConnell


Alan McConnell :  http://patriot.net/users/alan
    "The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."
    Impeachment proceedings should be started immediately.
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