On 11/10/06, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukasz Szybalski wrote:
> >
> >Please not the smtlib.py is the one given to me and smtlib.py.1 is the
> >original one causing the problem.
> >I posted the whole file to debian bug report also.
> Your diff and the smtplib.py (the file you refer to above as
> smtplib.py.1) you posted to the bug report confirm that this file is
> essentially unchanged from the Python 2.3 base smtplib.py.
> Therefore, I have to conclude that the symptom you see when you put
> this in the Python library is due to the debug writes being to stdout
> instead of stderr.
> Thus, I think you still have the added
>         self.__conn.set_debuglevel(1)
> line in SMTPDirect.py. I think if you remove this line and then put the
> original smtplib.py back in the python library (and to be sure, remove
> the smtplib.pyc and smtplib.pyo to force a recompile), Mailman will
> continue to send OK.
> If this is the case, the original problem will have magically
> disappeared. The only reason I can think of for this is that the
> update that caused the problem may have had a corrupted smtplib.pyc
> and/or smtplib.pyo.

I just put back the original file, removed debug
level line, and everything seems to be working.
I guess the bug is solved for me.

Thank you very much for your help.
Lukasz Szybalski

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