Brian Parish wrote:

>I have a number of lists running happily, but a couple of new ones don't
>want to play.  For testing purposes I subscribe myself to them and a
>couple of other addresses.  All message sent to them from subscribed
>addresses get automatically discarded.  I can see the discards in the
>vette log, but that doesn't provide a reason why.  Do I need to turn on
>verbose output or something to get a diagnostic that's meaningful?

I think there are just two ways this can happen.

1) You are 'moderated' and member_moderation_action is Discard.

2) Your post is seen as from a nonmember and either you are in
discard_these_nonmembers or generic_nonmember_action is Discard.

You can get more information in case 2) by setting
forward_auto_discards to Yes.

(All the above settings except your moderated bit are on Privacy
options...->Sender filters)

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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