
Thanks for the quick reply. What i needed to do was in my mm.cfg I had to
add :
SMTPHOST        = 'mailserverip [or hostname]'  # destination mail server
SMTPPORT        =   25

restarted mailman , and mail went to "other" mailserver to all subscribed
It did appear that mail was sending out from mail man to correct server
without errors but it never showed in the actual mail server?
Yes you were right in the smtp/MM log,it wa s showing sent to x recips,as
a succesful send
I tried doing SMART_HOST> [to other mailserver], in but this
didnt work.
I should have read more the file now that it is all said and
done. Im not sure i mentioned the "posts" did appear, but memebers simple
did not receive the list postings,,until i done the above.
BTW: I will try the /bin/inject thing just to see how that works for
future reference, This may have helped me "See " something in shorter
Also just for future reference, i was using sendmail on my MM server and
Postfix on the actual mail server.

Thanks, again,


         '> Hello List,
> I have setup a couple other MM installs in the past.  This is the first
> time i have installed MM on a server different from the mail server that
> users use.
> I never see any smtp-failures in the MM logs?
> Ive went through the faq 3.1.4 "Users not receiving mail". No joy:(.
> Below is a copy paste of the mail log on the actual MM server.
> Is the "mailer=local" corrrect?
> I have copyed pasted aliases into /etc/aliases,,,run "newaliases...
> I can telnet send from MM server to Mail server no probs. it appears by
> the post bewlow that the mail has sent to the ,,remote mail server( on the
> same LAN). Im not familar at all even after reading for many hours on how
> to use the "test" folder in the MM directory? I must still be  newbie:).
> There uis surely a built in "tester" in MM to replicte a sent email to
> MM,then the sendout to list members,but i cant find it?
> Below is a cpoy from the mail server that MM resides on. I NEVER see any
> listing on the actual mail server that this is sending to, though
> MM 2.18  Fedora COre 5  sendmail
> Thanks,
> Barry Cisna

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