Pierre Forget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> If it can help. I had problems installing and integrating with sendmail.
> Culprit was that it needs to know under which group sendmail is
> used. So, look carefully in your sendmail.cf (DefaultUser) and make
> sure you compile mailman with the switch to include this group for :
> --with-cgi-gid=group

Pardon me, but isn't the GID with which to execute cgi scripts?  Or
are you saying that mailman's CGI scripts need to execute with the
same GID as sendmail?  If so, why?

> and make an install user 

An install user?

> that is part of the mailman group to install
> the mailman software.

I installed mailman using a FreeBSD port, which means I don't get to
do most of those things manually; the port takes care of all that and
I don't get control between configure and make install.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting
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