At 10:39 AM -0600 12/6/06, Patrick Bogen wrote:

>  The command-line config_list and/or with_list tools have a slightly
>  higher up-front cost (in terms of work required), but trivialize the
>  cost-per-list for config updates, for the purpose of applying a single
>  value across multiple lists.

Correct, insofar as it goes.  However, these are command-line tools, 
and one of the things I'd like to see is a move to make it possible 
to do everything that can be done from the web interface, just as 
easily (if not more so) as you can do from the CLI.  But that's a 
very long-term goal.

>  Someone else can probably give a better analysis, but from my
>  understanding, something like what you're suggesting would represent a
>  significant departure from the current Mailman architecture, and this
>  would constitute a fairly major rewrite.

Yeah, that would be a huge rewrite.  Now, Mailman3 will be a complete 
rewrite, and this kind of thing would be a perfectly valid subject to 
discuss on that list.  Of course, no one knows when Mailman3 will 
arrive, so again this is a long-term issue.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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