At 3:37 PM -0500 12/7/06, Todd Zullinger wrote:

>  You do have to know the location of the list archives with rm whereas
>  with bin/arch you don't.  And if you put a typo into bin/arch it can
>  at worst wipe out the archives of the wrong list, not large chunks of
>  your file system.

Everyone raise your hand if you have accidentally done the command:

        # rm -rf / path/to/file/structure/you/really/want/to/delete

Or, managed to do the right command on the wrong machine (where 
you've connected to one system, then from there to another, etc...).

/me raises both hands

There's lots of other stupid sysadmin tricks.  Trust me, I've learned 
the hard way.

Tools like bin/arch are much safer, albeit also slower.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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