At 4:57 PM -0500 12/7/06, Alan McConnell wrote:

>  Meanwhile, I am adminning(sp?), through my ISP, a new but quite active
>  E-list.  But their mailman install is incomplete; they haven't put in
>  Pipermail(about which I know _nothing_).

Uh, what version of Mailman is that?  I thought that Mailman had 
fully integrated Pipermail along with the base code, for many years 
now?  Are they running Mailman 1.x or something?

>                                      I'm saving all the messages --
>  mbox format -- and have the hope that when the Pipermail archiving
>  program is installed, I will be able to collect, collate, shuffle,
>  and massage these messages and then ship them off to the new very
>  skilful tech staff that my ISP is allegedly hiring, and they will
>  be able to slip this collection adroitly into place.  And it will
>  be as if archiving was always in place . . .

So long as you save the messages in mbox format, and you have access 
to the command-line, you can always use the "arch" tool to import the 
old messages into the new archives.  The instructions for doing this 
kind of stuff are in the FAQ.

But if you don't have direct command-line access to the server, then 
you'll be dependant on the staff that do.  And from what you've 
described, that's really the crux of the problem you're already faced 

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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