At 8:36 PM -0500 12/14/06, Paul Tomblin wrote:

>  If I switch to a different archiver (ie. not the bundled pipermail), is
>  there any way to restrict the archives to members only?

That would be an issue for whatever alternative archiver that you 
choose to use.  I'm pretty sure that mhonarc can do this, but I don't 
know about others.

If you do choose to use a different archiver, you will probably want 
to configure Mailman to disable the use of pipermail and to instead 
archive either directly to an mbox-format file (and then let the 
third-party archiving tool pick that up), or to pipe the stuff 
directly from Mailman into the third-party archiving tool.

The documentation, the code, and the file should have 
some relevant information for people who want to go this route.  You 
can also find some discussion on this subject in the archives of this 

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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