Greetings Mark,

        I'm running mailman-2.1.9, I read the FAQ, and I followed your
directions however nothing happens.  The machine just sits there until I
^C out of it.

wal9100# cd Mailman

wal9100# pwd

wal9100# ls -l /usr/local/mailman/patch
total 3
-rw-r--r--   1 root     mailman      2551 Dec 15 21:09 listinclusion.patch

wal9100# patch -p2 /usr/local/mailman/patch/listinclusion.patch

and nothing happens.

wal9100# patch -v
patch 2.5.4
Copyright 1984-1988 Larry Wall
Copyright 1989-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Todd Seeleman wrote:
>>    I'm trying to apply this patch to a mailman-2.1.9 installation but I 
>> don't know how.  Would somebody please help.
> as root or the mailman user or any other user that has write access to
> the Mailman installation, do
>   cd path/to/installed/directory/Mailman
> (this is the directory that contains the Gui/ and Handlers/
> directories). Then do
>   patch -p2 < path/to/listinclusion.patch
> You can also do it by cd to the directory above the Mailman directory
> and then using -p1 rather than -p2 as the option to the patch command.


   Todd Seeleman, Systems Analyst
   Penn Graduate School of Education
   3440 Market Street, Rm 477        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Philadelphia, PA. 19104-3325      phone: 215-573-8378

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