On 12/15/06 6:45 PM, "Brad Knowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 10:48 AM -0300 12/15/06, Andres Tarallo wrote:
>>  We need to receive a notification that the suscribers had received the mail.
>>  We where thinking in adding a header that makes the mail client return an
>>  automatic answer.
> You can put in a header that some mail clients will recognize, and
> which may be configured to allow a return receipt to be generated.
> However, not all clients understand that concept at all, there have
> been multiple different attempts and standards to try to achieve this
> goal, and some of those multiple attempts are mutually incompatible.

Not to mention that it could be the visiting 8 year old grandson who sees
the message, tells the MUA to return the receipt (or the MUA options are set
so that is implicit), then deletes the message.

Not only does the sender not control the automated parts of the path, the
sender doesn't control the human element at the receiving end.


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