Orlando Reis wrote:

>Hi all, athough this question as been posted in the past and I have searched
>and searched the mailing list I haven't found a simple a and clear solution
>to the problem.
>I have my default mailman URL at www.mainhost.com
>And have several other vhosts added
>POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['vhost1.org', vhost1.eu' ,'vhost2.org', '
>#add virtual hosts
>add_virtualhost('www.vhost1.org', 'vhost1.org')
>add_virtualhost('www.vhost2.org', 'vhost2.org')
>I have lists on all domains
>What I wan't to do is move a list from vhost1.org to vhost1.eu. Is there any
>howto on how to do this.

You've answered your own question.

>image that i have the following lists: list_all, list_member,
>list_workproj1, list_workproj2
>If I issue the fix_url command
>bin/withlist -l -r fix_url list_all --urlhost=http://www.vhost1.eu

Actually, it should be

bin/withlist -l -r fix_url list_all --urlhost=www.vhost1.eu

>That will change the url for the list configuration, but I will also have to
>rebuild the archives?

Yes, but the only thing in the archives that is 'wrong' is the link to
the listinfo page from the table of contents page and the periodic
index pages. The table of contents will fix itself when a message is
archived and current and new index pages will too.

You can fix old index pages manually if it's important, or create some
kind of script to do it, or rebuild the entire archive with 'bin/arch

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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