Peter wrote:
>> Incoming mail is normally piped by the incoming MTA to a wrapper
>> which invokes a script to store the message in a queue to be
>> processed by one of the qrunners.
>Somehow Postfix on my lan must have this wrapper configured to talk to
>the Mailman also running on the localhost.

Normally in this situation (Postfix and Mailman on the same machine),
Postfix has a set of aliases for each list address that cause it to
pipe the incoming list mail to Mailman's mail wrapper with the
appropriate 'action' and listname arguments. Often, with Postfix,
these aliases are in a file of Mailman aliases maintained by Mailman.

>> If both the web pages and the lists are accessing and updating 'live'
>> data, and the web server and the qrunners are not on the same
>> machine, they must be accessing the same list data via some file
>> sharing scheme. Normally, they would also access the same Mailman
>> modules, but this isn't necessary.
>There must be some synchronization happening somewhere because changes
>are being made on the web server.

Yes, and normally, this is done through some kind of shared file system
so both the web server and the Mailman's qrunners are actually
accessing the same files.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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