Glen Page wrote:
>Moderator is CREATING the message in the mail client. This a an  
>announce list so she is one of the only ones allowed to post to it. I  
>suspect that she might be using cut and paste to paste MS Word  
>content into the messages. I will tell her to just try adding a few  
>carriage returns.

Is she using an Approved: line in the body to get the post accepted?
There may be an issue around that, particularly if the 'missing' lines
are missing from an HTML alternative part?

If she is not using an Approved: line, then I don't know what Mailman
might be doing to the message that would require adding empty line(s)
to the beginning.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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