Matthew Clarkson wrote:

>I'm building a simple document sharing application to run alongside  
>mailman.  What I would like to do is use mailmans users/passwords for  
>this application.
>Ultimately what I would like to do is pull out all usernames &  
>passwords and throw it all into a file for a given list.  Is this  
>possible with a current command line program with mailman?

You could use a simple bin/withlist script such as

def get_passwords(mlist):
    for member in mlist.getMembers():
        print '%s - %s' % (member, mlist.getMemberPassword(member))

Save that as bin/ and run

 bin/withlist -r get_passwords listname > /path/to/password/list

Alternatively, you could just use bin/dumpdb to dump the list's
config.pck and extract the passwords information from the output.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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