Michael Rainey wrote:

>A message is delivered to all list members, but some members get full 
>message, while some a very abbreviated message with much of message not  
>included.  (There are many links in message but this has not been an 
>issue previously.) I cannot now ascertain how many recipients fall into 
>each category. I assume those who get only part of message may have 
>something in common on their end, but it seems to be a quite significant 
>number and I cannot identify.
>Is there anything on my admin or server settings I should be looking for?

It's hard to even guess what's going on without seeing the raw message
as received from the list.

Possibly there is something broken in the MIME structure of the message
either as sent to Mailman or broken by Mailman, but without the raw
message, I can't even guess.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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