John Fleming wrote:
>OK, finally, that gives the expected output (below) - Only it just lists all 
>of my lists (only 12) with their expected advertised attributes, some 0 and 
>some 1.  No errors about any of them being missing.  I also ran it grepping 
>for "real_name" and also got the expected output for all 12 lists.  

Try the following:

Make a copy of bin/list_lists in the bin/ directory. Say

cp bin/list_lists bin/my_list_lists

Edit this my_list_lists file - find

    mlists = []
    longest = 0
    for n in names:
        mlist = MailList.MailList(n, lock=0)
        if advertised and not mlist.advertised:
        if vhost and mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW and \
               vhost.find(mlist.web_page_url) == -1 and \
               mlist.web_page_url.find(vhost) == -1:
        longest = max(len(mlist.real_name), longest)

and add the line '        print n' so it becomes

    mlists = []
    longest = 0
    for n in names:
        print n
        mlist = MailList.MailList(n, lock=0)
        if advertised and not mlist.advertised:
        if vhost and mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW and \
               vhost.find(mlist.web_page_url) == -1 and \
               mlist.web_page_url.find(vhost) == -1:
        longest = max(len(mlist.real_name), longest)

Make sure that 'print' is indented exactly 8 spaces. Then run

This should print list names one by one until it throws the exception
and prints the traceback. The last name printed has a problem.
Temporarily move this list aside

  mv /var/lib/mailman/thislist /somewhere/outside/mailman/thislist

and then run bin/my_list_lists again to see if there are any problems.
If not, you've identified the one problem list. There is something
wrong with this list's config.pck. There is something mysterious if
various software says this list doesn't have an 'advertised' or
'real_name' attribute, yet bin/dumpdb says it does.

OTOH, maybe bin/my_list_lists fails on the first list and then when you
move that list aside, it fails on the next one and so on. This would
incriminate the software somehow and not a list.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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