Dragon wrote:
>Mailman maintains a current version of its config file and a backup 
>that is one generation older. It sounds to me like the current config 
>is corrupt and it is falling back on the backup.

This is unlikely to be the case. First of all, config.pck.last is at
most one transaction behind config.pck. Then, if config.pck can't be
loaded, the list will be loaded (if possible) from config.pck.last,
but saved back to config.pck so after one fallback event, config.pck
will have the latest list state.

The only time you get a significant rollback in this situation is if
you magrated from an old config.db and left the old config.db in the
lists/listname/ directory after the config.pck was created. Then, if
both the config.pck and config.pck.last became unusable at the same
time, you'd fall back to the config.db which would really be out of

>This should show up in the logs, probably the error log or maybe qrunner.

It's logged in Mailman's 'error' log.

>Something you can try is to run bin/dumpdb on the config.pck and 
>config.pck.last files for that list to see if it throws an exception 
>or reports a problem.

At this point, after one or more posts or other events, even if the
config.pck had been corrupt, it would have been overwritten with a
good file.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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